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Family holidays

Film library


Bulgarian Visual Archive

BVA was created with the idea to preserve the visual cultural heritage of Bulgaria through found and donated photography. The aim of our team is to tell about the traditions, customs, way of life, people, architecture and history of Bulgaria in the past century. In this way, historians, researchers, artists, but most importantly - the next generations, will be able to explore the past in an accessible way. All photographs, part of the BVA can be viewed and downloaded free of charge - both for personal and commercial purposes.

The only condition we ask you to comply with is to always mention the source and donor of the respective photograph: BVA / Name of the Donor. In this way you express your gratitude to both the BVA and the donor.

Bulgarian Visual Archive
Източник: Bulgarian Visual Archive /

The mission

Our goal is to build together a visual archive that is accessible to everyone, both for personal and commercial use, and as a basis for research and debate. The main element in the construction of BVA are the users - we rely on you and your comments to put the photos at the right time and place. Everyone is invited to donate photographs - their family albums, collections and archives - in this way together we will enrich the archive and build the visual cultural heritage of Bulgaria.


The Foundation

The mission of BVA is to build, preserve and distribute an independent public visual archive of photographic and video materials. One of the main goals of the foundation is to be able to provide visual content that explores the past for the needs and goals of historians, researchers and artists, as well as future generations. Bulgarian Visual Archive strives to unite private archives, government agencies and other organizations with the idea to create a community together. The founders of BVA are Tihomir Stoyanov and Johanna Trayanova. We start the BVA with several thousand photographs donated by the Imaginary Archive. To contact the foundation - write to us at:

The construction of the platform was financed with the support of the Sofia Municipality, Culture Directorate, Active Publics Division 1919-2020.

Be part of the archive

Do you have photos you want to donate? Become part of the archive by donating family albums or photos found with the Donate button. Do you want to help us financially? Make a financial donation with the Support button.

БВА е създаден, за да разказва за България през XX век, използвайки намерени и дарени фотографии. Архивът се изгражда от и за своята публика. Всички фотографии, част от архива, можете да разглеждате и изтегляте абсолютно безплатно - както за лични, така и за комерсиални цели.

герб на София
Project implemented with the support of SP "Culture" 2020

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